About The Full-Stack Consultant

A weekly piece for software developers transitioning into consulting or growing as an existing consultant. Written by Eyal Cohen, an experienced software consultant and full-stack developer with an extensive background as a consultant & a startup founder.

What to expect?

  • Behind being a consultant: Get insights on why and how to become or grow as an independent software consultant. With deep-dive, interviews, and real-world cases of experts in the industry.

  • Tips & Tricks: Actionable advice on the skills and tools that every full-stack consultant needs. How and where to find clients, your positioning, and being an efficient consultant.

  • Technologies that matter: What’s new in modern technology? I cover topics like new tools, frameworks, and trends, without the fluff - just what really help you become a better consultant.

  • A weekly issue: I’m sending just one email a week with what help you grow as a consultant.

Subscribe to The Full-Stack Consultant

Full-stack consulting from the inside. Written for developers stepping into consulting or dreaming about it.


I've been a software engineer for 8 years, spending the last 3 as a consultant. I've worked with big companies and startups and even started my own company focusing on front-end debugging. Now I'm writing about what I've learned along the way.